Published 2011“…Furthermore, by the coincidence theorem, we will search the intersection between a set y+C and a range of multi-valued mapping having the S-KKM property at y, where C is convex subset and for some y is element of a nonempty convex subset of locally convex topological vector spaces.…”
Thesis -
An analysis of the Spekkens toy theory with connection to Wootters discrete phase space
Published 2014“…Noting that MUB basis vectors are obtained by eigenstates of generalized Pauli operators, the MUB basis vectors are thus the set of stabilizer states. Galvao has characterized the set of states with non-negative Wigner function class; they form the convex hull of the stabilizer states used as the MUB basis vectors. …”
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Article -
Enhancing robustness of air transportation network
Published 2018“…First considered is the flight route selection problem, in which a set of routes is chosen from a set of candidate routes to minimize the total effective resistance of the network. …”
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Thesis -
Published 2012“…Also we discuss the theorem of Paley-Wiener-Schwartz generated by the set of convex-d.…”
Thesis -
Algorithms for recovery of sparse signals in compressed sensing
Published 2013“…The ultimate comparison is between the convex optimization of the regularized basis pursuit and Compressive Sampling Matching Pursuit.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Human posture detection for video surveillance
Published 2009“…Convex shape modeling aims to generate convex shapes that can be the candidatures for human head and torso. …”
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Thesis -
Distributed continuous-time algorithms for nonsmooth extended monotropic optimization problems
Published 2019“…This paper studies distributed algorithms for the nonsmooth extended monotropic optimization problem, which is a general convex optimization problem with a certain separable structure. …”
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Journal Article -
Computationally efficient and scalable optimization approaches for integrated energy management systems
Published 2022“…The solutions of these set of problems are then used to warm-start a hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm (named as CE-mGA) that exhaustively searches various scenarios in the presence of non-linear and non-convex constraints. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Dissimilarity-based semi-supervised subset selection
Published 2020“…To begin with, the subset selection problem is treated as an convex optimization process with regularization. Thus the wanted subset is modeled as an unknown sparse matrix, which non-zero rows represent the target set by the source set. …”
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Thesis-Master by Coursework -
On a class of simultaneous pursuit games.
Published 2012“…Let A and B be given convex closed bounded nonempty subsets in a Hilbert space H; let the first player choose points in the set A and let the second one do those in the set B. …”
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Article -
On pure phases of the Vannimenus model
Published 2010“…It is well known that such measures form a nonempty convex compact subset in the set of all probabilistic measures. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Application of Optimization Methods for Solving Clustering and Classification Problems
Published 2011“…Next the problem of data classification is studied as a problem of global, non-smooth and non-convex optimization; this approach consists of describing clusters for the given training sets. …”
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Thesis -
On pure phases of the Vannimenus model
Published 2010“…It is well known that such measures form a nonempty convex compact subset in the set of all probabilistic measures. …”
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Article -
Shape fitting problems in the presence of outliers
Published 2021“…We let n denote the size of the input point set and t the number of possible outliers. With the target to cover no less than (n − t) points of the input, we consider the minimum number of unit disks, a parallelogram of minimum area and a convex polygon of minimum area. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Some construction methods of aggregation operators in decision-making problems: an overview
Published 2020“…The purpose of aggregation methods is to convert a list of objects, all belonging to a given set, into a single representative object of the same set usually by an n-ary function, so-called aggregation operator. …”
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Article -
On extreme Gibbs measures of the Vannimenus model
Published 2011“…It is well known that such measures form a nonempty convex compact subset in the set of all probability measures. …”
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Article -
Optimized dynamic policy for robust receding horizon control
Published 2012“…Essentially, the proposed policy incorporates all the 'uncertain' information into the controller dynamics and this reduces the conservativeness in the assessment of feasible control inputs and hence the feasible invariant set for the controlled system. Furthermore, this policy allows the control optimization problem to be split into two separate problems: one to determine the convex hull of the controller matrices and the other to compute the controller initial state. …”
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Thesis -
Phase diagram and extreme Gibbs measures of the Ising model on a Cayley tree in the presence of competing binary and ternary interactions
Published 2011“…It is well known that such measures form a nonempty convex compact subset in the set of all probability measures. …”
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Article -
Implementability of social choice functions
Published 2014“…The set of implementable functions is enriched when we allow assumptions on the center's ability to verify agents' inputs. …”
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Thesis -
Distributed resource allocation algorithm design and its application to economic dispatch in smart grids
Published 2020“…It addresses how to economically assign the available resources to a set of users such that the overall objective is optimized. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy