Budidaya Tanaman Melati Di Pantai Utara Jawa Tengah Serta Kemungkinan Pengembangannya
Published 1998“…The path coefficient analysis indicated that total flower production was directly affected I number of flower harvested per day, number of productive branches, total number of branches al number of leaf per branch. Key words : agronomic survey, path coefficient, nested design. …”
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Pengaruh tingkat protein ransum terhadap konsentrasi sperma domba priangan=Effect of Protein Level in Ration on Concentration of Priangan RAM Semen
Published 1988“…The experimental design used was the Nested of Completely Randomized Design with the Mixed Classification. …”
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Analisis Genetik dan Fenotip Sifat Produksi dan Reproduksi Ayam Merawang=(The Analyses Genetic and Phenotype Traits Of Productiion and Reproduction of Merawang Chicken)
Published 2006“…The data were analyzed by variance analyses of CRD and nested design to find out variance and covariance components. …”
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Evaluasi keragaman genetik tanaman Evaluation of Genetic Variances of Bali Cicih Tombong a Local Variety of Corn under Monoculture and Intercropping Systems
Published 1997“…The breeding programs could be done on intercropping system, and multilocation test should be conducted. Key words: variances -- local variety -- cropping systems…”
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Efektivitas berbagai jamu uyup-uyup terhadap sekresi air susu tikus (rattus norwegicus) menyusui= Effectiveness of VariousJamu Uyup-uyup on Milk Secretion of Lactating Rats (Rattus...
Published 1988“…The increase in milk secretion of each jamu uyup-uyup were not significant. Key words: milk secretion - jamu uyup-uyup - body weight…”