May He Speedily Come: the role of the Messiah in Haredi and Hardal Judaism
Published 2016-04-01Get full text
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Meaning and Siginificance of Fasting in Comparative Perspective – A Study with Special Reference to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Published 2021-02-01“…This paper aims at a comparative study into meaning and significance of this ritual with special reference to the three Semitic religions namely Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Some interesting similarities and dissimilarities in this connection are noted. …”
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Meaning and Siginificance of Fasting in Comparative Perspective – A Study with Special Reference to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Published 2021-02-01“…This paper aims at a comparative study into meaning and significance of this ritual with special reference to the three Semitic religions namely Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Some interesting similarities and dissimilarities in this connection are noted. …”
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Yahudilik'te Sürgün Teolojisi Tanrısal Bir Ceza Olarak Sürgün
Published 2015-11-01Get full text
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Јездрин допринос рађању јудаизма
Published 2016-12-01“…His work was of great im-portance in creation of Judaism – a special form of worship that appeared after Babylonian Exile. …”
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Tobit’s Penitential Prayer
Published 2022-12-01“…The penitential prayer, first found in The Book of Ezra, belongs to a tradition that goes back to Deuteronomy, which describes how Israel found itself in the exile because of its sins and how salvation can come only through the repentance of the nation. The key element for understanding the development of the tradition of penitential prayer is found in the text 1 Kings 8 in which the author, by re-interpreting Deuteronomy, develops the idea that a penitential prayer is the answer to the given demand for repentance. …”
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Luke's account of Peter in his strategy of proclaiming a gospel for all people
Published 2014“…Then analysing Luke’s reshaping of the account of Peter before Easter in his first volume, we show it is done with an eye to how it will be completed in Acts, how Peter will repent from denying Jesus to strengthen his brother apostles and urge repentance on his fellow-Jews. …”
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Corak Tasawuf Al-Ghazali dan Relevansinya dalam Konteks Sekarang
Published 2013-05-01“…<div><table width="471" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td align="left" valign="top"><p>Abstracts: Al-Ghaza>li’s < sufism –which described as more khuluqi-'amali in character- becomes the creed of majority of Muslims in the world, in fact adhered by some sects within Judaism and Christianity. Although some Muslim thinkers, such as Ibn Rushd, criticized al-Ghaza>li<, but his arguments in Ih}ya>’ ‘Ulum al-Di>n seem to be too solid to tear down. …”
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Salvation and Inqadh (Deliverance): two theological doctrines in monotheistic religions and their contemporary implication in understanding Islamic penal code
Published 2008“…It should be noted that Islam like Judaism does not make any theological claims about Adam’s sin, but rather the QurÑÉn told us that he repented and was forgiven. …”
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Nauczanie św. Augustyna o Żydach w świetle "Enarrationes in psalmos"
Published 2012-06-01“…The possibility of faith was open not only to the individual repenting (returning from the wrong path) Jews, but also to the whole nation. …”
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