Summary: | A riveting personal account of the development of a career committed to excellence and NEC. Dr. Koji Kobayashi is Chairman Emeritus and Representative Director of NEC Corporation in Tokyo, Japan, a company devoted to the manufacture of communications, computers, industrial electronic systems, electron devices, and home electronics. Mr. Kobayashi has this to say about this book: "As I look back over my sixty years in the company, I often find myself wondering what young people just entering NEC are thinking and how their concerns compare to my own of more than half a century ago. I cannot deny that the world has changed greatly since then. And yet something constant has remained untouched amid all these changes. I hope that the young people of today who will carry the hopes of the world into the twenty-first century will be able to grasp this unchanging constant. And if this small volume can help them do so, I will be very happy."