Summary: | The right color chosen and observation to glossiness rate on the vehicle body panel is ways to the success of automobile sales and give benefit to automotive
manufacturing company. Understanding about the glossiness rate study among the automotive manufacturing company is very important to maintain the quality rate and
fulfill the specification. This research is conducted on glossiness rate of the metallic color Isuzu D-MAX pickup truck by using Statistical Process Control (SPC). Three specific objectives have been defined to simplify the main objective of the project, that is to implement the SPC techniques to a selected part or product, to analyze the observed data and information and lastly to propose some improvement recommendation from the study. For this research, the Control Chart is chosen to apply in SPC. This is because Control Charts are a powerful statistical tool that may have many different applications. They may also be used in the maintenance of process control and in the identification of special and common causes of variation. In addition, they may also be used for process
improvement by showing the effects of process of change. In order to control and prevent the variations, prevention action and recommendation are proposed and to get the process back on its target.