Summary: | The objective of this research is to characterize the component in essential oils from M. koenigii leaves by hydro distillation extraction method. The major constituent of M. koenigii has been reported as caryophyllene and 3-carene which is responsible for the aroma and flavor. This research has focused on the chemical constituent of M.koenigii essential oil that grow in Malaysia. In this research, the methods of grinding, extraction, separation and analysis are used and the sample is separated from water by using a chemical with different polarity to get the essential oil. The sample was analyzed by using a GC-MS to identify the component of M.koenigii essential oil. In this research, the most optimum time of extraction also determine by using different length of time with correspond to the yield of essential oil. The major component in M. koenigii leaves is caryophyllene with the optimum time of extraction is 9 hour with the yield of essential oil is 0.22%. The compositions of essential oil also show the potential on biological and repellent activity