Summary: | 本研究從教育與勞動市場連結的觀點探討「學用相符」與「就業職能」對畢業生初入職場薪資的影響,以文憑主義、訊號理論與人力資本論為理論依據,研究方法採多層次分析,總體層次包含團隊合作能力、溝通協調能力、專業技術能力三項就業職能,個體層次則探討垂直和水平學用相符程度對薪資的影響,且考慮總體與個體兩個層次的互動效應。資料來源為「臺灣高等教育整合資料庫」95 學年度畢業後一年流向調查,合併學士及碩士之資料。研究發現,總體層次的「團隊合作能力」以及「專業技術能力」對於薪資有顯著的提升效果,「溝通協調能力」則是負向作用;個體層次方面,垂直與水平的學用不符皆會導致薪資減少。總體與個體層次的調節效果呈現:縱向的學用相符與薪資間的關係會受到「團隊合作能力」與「專業技術能力」調節作用之影響,而三個就業職能在水平學用相符與薪資間則無調節效果。回應到理論的解釋,文憑和訊號對職場新鮮人的薪資提升皆有正向的影響,它的作用就像是過濾器,在第一階段先淘汰了學用不符者,人力資本在第二階段才發生實質的效果。本研究主題契合聯合國「永續發展目標」中「勞力市場制度」關懷的議題。
This study investigated the factors influencing graduates’ salaries. pecifically, this study analyzed the relationship between education and the labor market by considering education-job match and employee competencies. This article used credentialism, signaling theory and human capital theory as the theoretical basis to conduct in-depth analysis and discussion. To achieve
research purpose, a multilevel analysis was adopted. At the group level, the study investigated several competencies, such as teamwork, communication skills, and expertise, among individuals with different university majors. At the individual level, the study focused on how vertical and horizontal education-job matches influence salary. The moderating effect of the two levels was also considered. Data were obtained from the 2006 follow-up of a university graduate survey from the Taiwan Integrated Higher Education Database, which contains data from bachelor’s and master’s degree holders. Our findings at the group level indicate that teamwork and expertise positively affect salaries. However, communication skills have the opposite effect. At the individual level, both vertical and horizontal education-job mismatches result in lower salaries. The interactions between
these two levels, teamwork, and expertise moderate the relationship between vertical education-job match and salary. The three competencies do not moderate the relationship between horizontal education-job match and salary. In terms of theoretical explanations, credentialism and signaling
theory have a positive impact on the salary increase of freshmen to the labor market. They act as a filter, eliminating education-misfit and major-misfit workers in the first stage. Thereafter, human capital theory takes substantial effect in the second stage. The research topic and analysis process are
consistent with the labor market institution issues concerned by the “decent work and economic growth” project under the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.