Summary: | Phytic acid (PA) is an anti-nutritional factor, which chelates divalent cations, limiting their bioavailability. In this study, 31 Indian cultivars of different agroclimatic zones and 52 germplasm lines representing 21 chickpea growing areas worldwide were evaluated for variability in PA content. Over two consecutive growing seasons, a wide variation in PA content (8.81-21.97 mg/g) was observed. ANOVA for PA content in both cultivars and non-cultivated accessions indicated significant Genotype X Environment interactions, yet, genotypes with consistently low (<13 mg/g) and high (>17 mg/g) PA were identified. Furthermore, using a bulked segregant analysis approach, the transcriptional regulation through repeat length variation in inositol monophosphatase (CaIMP) gene associated with PA content was demonstrated in two F2populations segregating for its alleles. Both the CaIMPalleles (shorter repeat, NCPGR170 and longer repeat, NCPGR200) were equally distributed in 26 popular desichickpea cultivars. This information will helpselecting germplasm for developing nutritionally improved chickpea cultivars.