Summary: | Background
Smoking is a leading cause of preventable death internationally,
but it impacts some population groups more than others. While the highest smoking rates in California
are for Korean, Vietnamese, and African American males, current estimates of
the resulting smoking-attributable healthcare costs are not available.
We developed econometric models of smoking-attributable healthcare
costs using US national data and then applied the models to California-specific
data from the California Health Interview Survey. Healthcare costs were estimated for hospitalizations, ambulatory care,
prescriptions, and home health care, and for Whites, Blacks, Asians (Chinese,
Korean, Vietnamese, Filipino, and Other Asians), Hispanics, and Other/MultiRacial. Costs were estimated using an excess cost
approach that compares smokers with nonsmokers who have all the same
characteristics as smokers except they don't smoke. The difference in costs between these groups
is attributed to smoking.
healthcare expenditures attributable to smoking in California totaled $10.7
billion for 2014, including $5.7 million for men and $5.0 million for
women. Costs were greatest for Whites
($6.5 million) followed by Hispanics ($2.1 million) and Blacks ($1.0
million). Among Asians, the highest
healthcare costs were for Filipinos ($191,000) and Chinese ($157,000). Healthcare costs were $276 per resident but
were highest for Blacks ($443 per resident) and Whites ($438 per
resident). Hospital care accounted for
53% of this total, followed by ambulatory care services (25%), prescription
drugs (14%), and home health care (7%).
Healthcare costs attributable to smoking differ substantially by
racial/ethnic group, reflecting differences in population size, smoking
prevalence, and smoking patterns (e.g. daily vs. nondaily smoking and menthol
use). Tobacco control efforts to reduce
the economic burden of smoking need to take into account these differences in
developing effective programs targeted to specific groups.