Summary: | Summary: Phosphopeptides presented by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I have been regarded as a pivotal type of cancer neoantigens that are recognized by T cells. The structural basis of single-phosphorylated peptide presentation has been well studied. Diphosphorylation with one interval between two sites is one of the prevalent forms of multisite-phosphorylated peptides. Herein, we determined the molecular basis of presentation of two P4/P6 double pS-containing peptides by HLA-B27 and compared them with unmodified and single-phosphorylated peptide complexes. These data clarified not only the HLA allele-specific presentation of phosphopeptides by MHC class I molecules but also the cooperativity of peptide conformation within P4 and P6 phosphorylation sites. The phosphorylation of P6 site can influence the binding mode of P4 phosphorylated site to HLA-B27. And we found the diphospho-dependent attenuated effect of peptide binding affinity. This study provides insights into the MHC presentation features of diphosphopeptides, which is different from monophosphopeptides.