Summary: | 为促进辣木籽油中神经酸的开发利用,以辣木籽为原料,采用低温压榨法、超临界CO2萃取法、索氏抽提法提取辣木籽油,筛选合适的提油方法,再以辣木籽油为原料制备混合脂肪酸,通过低温结晶法纯化辣木籽油中的神经酸,通过单因素实验和响应面实验优化神经酸的纯化工艺。结果表明:低温压榨法提取的辣木籽原油中神经酸含量较高,达到0.88%;低温结晶法纯化辣木籽油中神经酸的最优工艺条件为料液比(混合脂肪酸与结晶溶剂质量体积比)1∶ 4.2、结晶温度-21 ℃、结晶时间2.3 h,该条件下所得产品中神经酸含量为(5.36±0.01)%,相比辣木籽原油中神经酸含量提升了5.1倍。通过低温压榨法提取辣木籽油,再采用低温结晶法纯化神经酸,能够获得神经酸含量较高的产品。 In order to promote the development and utilization of nervonic acid in Moringa oleifera seed oil, with Moringa oleifera seed as raw material, Moringa oleifera seed oil was extracted by low temperature pressing, supercritical CO2 extraction and Soxhlet extraction to select suitable oil extraction method. Then, mixed fatty acids were prepared using Moringa oleifera seed oil as raw material, and the nervonic acid in Moringa oleifera seed oil was purified by low temperature crystallization method. The purification process of nervonic acid was optimized by single factor experiment combined with response surface methodology. The results showed that the content of nervonic acid in crude Moringa oleifera seed oil extracted by low temperature pressing method was higher, reaching 0.88%.The optimal purification process of nervonic acid from Moringa oleifera seed oil by low temperature crystallization method was obtained as follows: solid-liquid ratio(ratio of mixed fatty acid mass to crystallization solvent volume) 1∶ 4.2, crystallization temperature -21 ℃ and crystallization time 2.3 h. Under these conditions, the nervonic acid content in the product was (5.36±0.01)%, which was 5.1 times higher than that in crude Moringa oleifera seed oil. By extracting Moringa oleifera seed oil through low temperature pressing method and purifying nervonic acid through low temperature crystallization method, products with high levels of nervonic acid can be obtained.