Summary: | Background. Modern semiconductor power devices (SPD) contain temperature
compensators (TC) in their design, which can be made of a metal matrix composite
material based on an aluminum matrix alloy and silicon carbide micropowder
(MMC AlSiC). A multilayer metal coating is applied to the TC surface, which
makes it possible to firmly connect the TC with an active semiconductor crystal in
the SPP. The adhesion strength of this coating to the surface of MMCM AlSiC
largely determines the reliability of the SPP. The aim of this work is to study the effect
of the granulometric composition of the filler and heat treatment on the adhesion
strength of multilayer Al-Ti-Ni-Ag metal coatings on the surface of AlSiC
Materials and methods. The studied samples of MMC AlSiC based on the AK9
aluminum matrix alloy were prepared by the method of vacuum-compression impregnation.
As a filler, silicon carbide micropowders of grain size distribution F120,
F150, F180 and mixtures F120 + M10P (10 %), F150 + M10P (10 %), F180 +
M10P (10 %) were used. A four-layer metal coating (Al-Ti-Ni-Ag) was applied to
the surface of the studied samples of MMCM AlSiC by magnetron sputtering. The
adhesion strength of the bond between the coating and the composite surface was
determined by the peeling method.
Results. The adhesive strength of a multilayer metal coating on the surface of
MMC AlSiC samples with different grain-size composition of SiC filler was measured
depending on the duration and temperature of annealing in an atmosphere of
hydrogen and argon.
Conclusions. Annealing the samples under study in a hydrogen or argon atmosphere
for more than 30 min at a temperature of 450 °C (or more than 60 min at a
temperature of 350 °C) leads to a significant (almost threefold) increase in the adhesion
strength of the metal coating.