Summary: | The educational field has directed its eyes towards a teaching that integrates the
contextualization of the daily theme in theoretical classes and practices of chemistry, in order to provide
an improvement of the teaching-learning process in the formation of a citizen. The present research aimed
at the acquisition of theoretical-practical classes of chemistry in a daily context as a methodological
proposal for high school students. Chemistry classes were elaborated with subjects that were difficult to
understand for the students contextualizing with daily facts and practices of chemistry, these practicaltheoretical classes were applied to students of the state network of the city of Arapiraca-AL. It was
observed that the classes stimulated the students significantly, because before the lesson the percentage of
correct answers of the questionnaires applied was only 19.43% and after the frequency of correct answers
passed to 70.14%. Facing this, it is emphasized that the classes in a context of daily life associated with
practice and theory, motivate the students and corroborate with the teaching-learning process that
underlies their formation.