Summary: | <p><strong>Abstract. The Terms of Service and the Consumer Confidence in Service Encounter and Service Relationships.</strong> Trust consumers are influenced by the behavior of employees in the services. The purpose of this study to examine the relationship type (service encounters and service relationships) in the conditions of service (service successful and unsuccessful service) to consumer confidence. The study was conducted on food consumers as many as 89 people. The experimental method used to two groups: service encounter groups (N = 47) and group service relationship (N = 42). The results based on four scenarios of the experiment showed that there are differences in the level of consumer confidence in the conditions of service. Services were successful (successful service) indicates the level of consumer confidence is greater than the service failed (unsuccessful service). Nevertheless, the results of this study also gives a different result that there is no difference in consumer confidence in the consumer service relationships and consumer service encounter, even in conditions of service that succeed or fail. This study contributes to the socio-psychology and consumer behavior in understanding consumer confidence in service encounters and service relationships.</p><p><strong>Abstrak.</strong><strong> </strong><strong>Kondisi Pelayanan </strong><strong>d</strong><strong>an Kepercayaan Konsumen </strong><strong>p</strong><strong>ada <em>Service Encounter</em> </strong><strong>d</strong><strong>an <em>Service Relationships</em>.</strong><strong> </strong>Kepercayaan konsumen dipengaruhi oleh perilaku karyawan dalam melakukan pelayanan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menguji tipe hubungan (service encounter dan service relationships) dalam kondisi pelayanan (successful service dan unsuccessful service) terhadap kepercayaan konsumen. Penelitian dilakukan pada konsumen rumah makan sebanyak 89 orang. Metode eksperimen digunakan terhadap dua kelompok yakni kelompok service encounter (N=47) dan kelompok service relationship (N=42). Hasil penelitian berdasarkan empat skenario eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan tingkat kepercayaan konsumen terhadap kondisi pelayanan. Pelayanan yang berhasil (successful service) menunjukkan tingkat kepercayaan konsumen yang lebih besar dibandingkan pelayanan yang gagal (unsuccessful service). Namun demikian, hasil penelitian ini juga memberikan hasil yang berbeda bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan kepercayaan konsumen pada konsumen service relationships maupun konsumen service encounter, meskipun dalam kondisi pelayanan yang berhasil ataupun gagal. Penelitian ini memberikan konstribusi terhadap ilmu psikologi sosial dan perilaku konsumen dalam memahami kepercayaan konsumen pada service encounter dan service relationships.</p><strong>Kata Kunci: </strong>kepercayaan konsumen, <em>service encounter, service relationships</em>