Summary: | This research is aimed to describe influence of staff competence, collection, and library layout design on patron’s satisfaction directly or indirectly through service quality. Based on the result of observation conducted at Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) Library of State University of Semarang, there were decrease of patrons’ visit on 2016 significantly. Thus, it is important to examine patrons’ satisfaction, because it will influence visit intensity to library. Population in this research is all of visitors at UPT Library of State University of Semarang. The sampling technique used incidental sampling technique with number of respondents of 116 people. Methods of data collection used observation, interview, and questionnaires, and then analysis methods were classic assumption test, hypotheses test and path analysis. The findings show that there is influence between staff competence, collection, and library layout design on service quality with tcount 5,790; 3,580; and 3,441. There is also influence between between staff competence, collection, and library layout design and service quality on patrons’ satisfaction with tcount each of 0,293; 1,042; 4,347; and 3,357. Based on the result of research, it can be concluded that staff competence, collection, and library layout design are the variables which can increase service quality and affect on increase of patrons’ satisfaction. Althouth staff competence and library collection affect on positive influence, but it both do not significantly affect on patrons’ satisfaction. As the suggestion to give in this research is that UPT Library of State University of Semarang is expected to increase service quality especially on staff competence, collection, and library layout design to increase patrons’ satisfaction.