Summary: | Social expectations for early childhood education teachers are enormous. At the same time, it has to meet many requirements so as to create the best conditions for the development of its pupils. Therefore, the requirements for him are also high, both from direct superiors and increasingly demanding parents. Much research focuses on the expectations of parents (Jakubowicz-Bryx 2016) or students (Konopnicka 2011; Żegnałek 2008; Jurewicz 2015). The author of this article was interested in looking at this issue from the perspective of teachers themselves, for this reason she designed and carried out qualitative research on a group of early school education teachers and in the presented text presents their perspective of a model of early school education teacher. Conducted free interviews with elements of narrative and the obtained data and their interpretations in relation to the presented issue were presented in the form of a pyramid, where the basis are basic - basic features, the second most important for the respondents are the features defined as necessary and the last group are desirable features, and so those that in the respondents’ perspective help in work. In summary, a brief summary of the most important features building the personal pattern of an early school education teacher from the perspective of the teachers studied is presented.