Summary: | Dengue is a mosquito-borne disease caused by the dengue virus belonging to family flaviviridae and has grown to be a major global public health issue. Despite decades of effort, the global comeback of dengue is evidence of the inadequacy of present management techniques. Due to the loss of healthy lives and the depletion of scarce medical resources, dengue has a significant negative economic impact in underdeveloped countries. In recent years, research for tackling the incidences of dengue infection has increased. The structure of the viral genome has been deciphered with the non-structural protein, known as NS5 serving as a potential target. NS5 consisting of an MTase domain involved in RNA capping and an RdRp domain involved in viral replication. In the presented work, a series of new Oxindoline Carboxamide derivatives were designed and synthesized for inhibiting the viral RNA dependent RNA-polymerase (RdRp) activity of DENV. The novel compounds were put through tests including molecular docking and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) binding analysis to evaluate their affinity for the viral protein and their potential as novel inhibitors of the virus. From a total of 12 derivative compounds, four compounds OCA-10c, OCA-10f, OCA-10j & OCA-10i, were found to exhibit high affinity for NS5 RdRp, the KD values being 1.376 μM, 1.63 μM, 7.08 μM & 9.32 μM respectively. Overall, we report novel inhibitors of DENV RdRp activity with potential to be utilized against DENV for treating humans after further optimization.