Investigation of dynamics and its factors of interest rates in lithuania in 1994-2006

In­te­rest is the amount paid by a bor­ro­wer to a len­der in ex­chan­ge for the use of the len­der’s mo­ney for a cer­tain pe­riod. In­te­rest ra­te is the pri­ce of len­ding mo­ney. In­ves­ti­ga­tion of in­te­rest ra­tes dyna­mics and its fac­tors can be car­ried out ac­cor­ding to three main the­...

Повний опис

Бібліографічні деталі
Автори: Meilė Jasienė, Giedrius Čapskas
Формат: Стаття
Опубліковано: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University 2008-03-01
Серія:Business: Theory and Practice
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