Social and ethical aspects of suicide in the novel by L.N. Tolstoy «Anna Karenina» (Part 1)

L.N. Tolstoy’s views of understanding of essence of a matter of life and death, because of the religious and philosophical discrepancies concerning suicide discussed in the Russian society of the middle of the 19th century. The atmosphere and a political situation in the country promoted formation o...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor principal: K. V. Bezchasniy
Formato: Artículo
Publicado: Federal State Budget Scientific Institution National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology n.a. V.M. Bekhterev Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation 2018-11-01
Colección:Обозрение психиатрии и медицинской психологии имени В.М. Бехтерева
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