Summary: | This study applied the Academic Motivation Scale (AMS) by Vallerand et al. (1992), adapted for the Accounting and Marketing Academic Motivation Scale (AMAMS) in order to analyse who is the motivation level of Portuguese undergraduate students who were attending the Curricular Units (CUs) of Accounting and Marketing, in the beginning, and in the end of 2017/2018 academic year. This longitudinal empirical study reports motivation evolution level of students who studied Accounting and Marketing knowledge areas at two different temporal moments, with and without gamified teaching resource, during the classes. The final goal of this study is to analyse the motivation evolution with and without application of the gamified resources in the teaching process.The study included a total sample of 1923 students divided into two groups: the Gamified Group (GG) and the Control Group (CG) and with their motivations subject to evaluation prior to the beginning of classes (Moment 1 – M1) and at the end of the scheduled classes (Moment 2 – M2). The results enable the verification that the GG students experienced an increase in their Motivation to Learn (IMTK) between M1 and M2 greater than the CG students.