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The focus of the study is teaching, and assessment in visual arts in Swedish compulsory school analysed and discussed in relation to the national evaluations (NU-92, NU-03, NÄU-13), assessment research and research in the subject field. The article aims at highlighting and problematising assessment and grading in visual arts education in relation to teachers’ assessment practices. The study is based on group discussions and seven interviews with visual arts teachers on assessment practice carried out in connection with the production of two National Assessment Guides in visual arts, and supplementary films on assessment on behalf of The Swedish National Agency for Education (Sw. Skolverket) in 2012 and 2014. The result of the study indicates an ambivalence among the visual arts teachers concerning assessment. The author points at problem areas affecting teaching, assessment and grading in visual arts education. However, the author also points out potential strengths concerning assessment in the subject field and presents arguments for the significance of the subject visual arts for school and general assessment research.