Summary: | The Hereditary Colorectal Cancer registry is one of the oldest and largest registries of its kind. It cares for patients with all hereditary syndromes of colorectal cancer using the three basic approaches of patient care, education and research. This article summarizes the structure and function of the registry, and gives examples of its contributions to the management of affected patients.
ACTIVITY: In 2016 the registry served over 1000 families with FAP, 224 families with Lynch syndrome, 61 with MYH associated polyposis and 146 with one of the hamartomatous polyposes. In 2016 there were 1009 patient visits with 80 new patients and 879 endoscopies. Over 60 surgeries were performed.
SUMMARY: the Cleveland Clinic approach to hereditary colorectal cancer is described. This is multidisciplinary, involving several specialties and both genetic counseling and mental health services within the registry.