Summary: | Summary: Three-dimensional (3D) histology is vitally important to characterize disease-induced tissue heterogeneity at the individual cell level. However, it remains challenging for both high-throughput 3D imaging and volumetric reconstruction. Here we propose a label-free, cost-effective, and ready-to-use 3D histological imaging technique, termed microtomy-assisted autofluorescence tomography with ultraviolet excitation (MATE). With the combination of block-face imaging and serial microtome sectioning, MATE can achieve rapid and label-free imaging of paraffin-embedded whole organs at an acquisition speed of 1 cm3 per 4 h with a voxel resolution of 1.2 × 1.2 × 10 μm3. We demonstrate that MATE enables simultaneous visualization of cell nuclei, fiber tracts, and blood vessels in mouse/human brains without tissue staining or clearing. Moreover, diagnostic features, including nuclear size and packing density, can be quantitatively extracted with high accuracy. MATE is augmented to the current slide-based 2D histology, holding great promise to facilitate histopathological interpretation at the organelle level.