Akty prawne w zakresie cła granicznego i ich rola w ochronie bezpieczeństwa ekonomicznego Rzeczypospolitej Polski w latach 1919-1924 (próba analizy problemu)/ Legal Acts in the Field of Border Customs and their Role in Economic Security of the Republic of Poland in the Years 1919-1924 (an attempt to analyze the problem)

One of the basic instruments to protect countries is custom duty. Tariffs have multiple functions to perform, the most important of which is undoubtedly the economic function. After World War I, i.e. in the initial period of the existence of the Republic of Poland, various customs offices were estab...


主要作者: Andrzej Wawryniuk
格式: 文件
出版: Państwowa Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Chełmie 2022-11-01
丛编:Language, Culture, Politics