Summary: | In this study, the authors aimed at characterizing 11 Algerian kinds of honey taken from various geographical locations (beehives located at Djelfa (Medjbara and Dzaira), Laghouat, Aflou, Medea, Tiaret, Sidi bel-Abbes, Tiaret, Ain-Safra, Mostaganem, El Bayadh, and Ghardïa). The authors investigated the physicochemical parameters of these honey samples, including density, water content, electrical conductivity, ash content, pH, hydroxymethylfurfural (<i>HMF</i>) content, free acidity, and color. The physicochemical parameters obtained were found to be within acceptable ranges according to the international standards (Codex Alimentarius) for 9 out of 11 analyzed samples: density 1.38–1.50 g/cm<sup>3</sup> (the same as kg/L, as commonly used for honey), water content 14.03–18.80%, electrical conductivity 0.38 × 10<sup>−1</sup> − 6.41 × 10<sup>−1</sup> mS/cm, ash content 0.06–0.48%, pH 3.50–4.50, free acidity 11–47 meq/kg, and color 1.1–9.2 Pfund index. Analysis of <i>HMF</i> content showed that only two honey samples have high values (117.7 and 90.0 meq/kg). Most samples of Algerian honey are of suitable quality according to international standards.