Summary: | Fundamental questions regarding collagen biosynthesis, especially with respect to the molecular origins of homotrimeric versus heterotrimeric assembly, remain unanswered. Here, we demonstrate that the presence or absence of a single cysteine in type-I collagen’s C-propeptide domain is a key factor governing the ability of a given collagen polypeptide to stably homotrimerize. We also identify a critical role for Ca2+ in non-covalent collagen C-propeptide trimerization, thereby priming the protein for disulfide-mediated covalent immortalization. The resulting cysteine-based code for stable assembly provides a molecular model that can be used to predict, a priori, the identity of not just collagen homotrimers, but also naturally occurring 2:1 and 1:1:1 heterotrimers. Moreover, the code applies across all of the sequence-diverse fibrillar collagens. These results provide new insight into how evolution leverages disulfide networks to fine-tune protein assembly, and will inform the ongoing development of designer proteins that assemble into specific oligomeric forms.