Summary: | 新加坡自上世纪60年代推行双语政策,新加坡华人在保留母语的同时,英语水平也逐日加强,双语环境造成了语言之间的互相影响。
Singapore has adopted a bilingual education system since the 1960s, and Singaporean Chinese have seen an improvement in their English while retaining Mandarin as their mother tongue. The bilingual environment in Singapore resulted in the languages influencing each other.
In spatial expressions, Mandarin and English differs in at least two ways. The first difference lies in the use of localizers in Mandarin prepositional phrases, and the second being the word order between the prepositional phrase and verb. This thesis studies this two areas based on data from a corpus and a questionnaire.
The corpus-based study found that shang and li are the most frequently used localizers by Singaporean Chinese and there is a tendency not to use localizers. Regarding the word order between the prepositional phrase and verb, we found cases of the influence of English sentence structure when it comes to the use of spatial expressions by Singaporean Chinese.
The questionnaire is designed based on the findings from the corpus study to further investigate spatial expressions among Singaporean Chinese. We found that Singaporean Chinese are acceptable to expressions without localizers even in structures where the localizers are required, and ascribed such tendency to bilingualism. We also found that some uses extracted from the corpus are rated lower in the degree of acceptance in the questionnaire, which suggests a possible mismatch between the speakers’ knowledge and actual use of Mandarin.