Summary: | Resistance switching is a relatively new phenomenon that has been incorporated into fabricating non-volatile memory. Resistive random-access memory was the proposed future developments that utilize the resistance switching characteristic to replace flash memory. Thus, multiple researches were invested to experiment with the components to achieve the desired switching characteristic. Halide perovskites have attracted attention due to their versatile properties, sensitivity to light, and low fabrication cost. Inorganic halide perovskites that is environmentally friendly, air-stable, and non-toxic was researched, developed and further experiment to achieve the ideal resistive switching characteristic. Silver-Bismuth-Iodine is an inorganic halide perovskites ternary system, it is a solution based processable material which is both inexpensive and easy to manufacture. After several experiments conducted, an observation made was that there was poor I-V characteristic curves and poor topology coverage by the perovskite film. Therefore, by utilizing the Surface profiler Veeco Dektak 150 to examine the film quality, multiple particles on the switching layer itself was discovered. After using EDS analysis on the particles, a discovery made was that the particles are undissolved precursor colloids which may explain the poor I-V characteristic curve as the particles may exhibit unusual behavior and due to the poor solubility of the precursor resulting the crystallization of the perovskites to be limited hence, causing poor coverage and reduced thickness of the film. There will be another study made by another student on improving the thickness of the film. The focus of this report is the fabrication of resistive switching devices and to improve the solubility and investigate the effect on the reduction in particle count and coverage.