Summary: | Contrary to traditional robotics application in manufacturing industries, where robots worked in isolate cells from humans and only trained personnel were allowed to have interaction with them, collaborative robots are intended to work alongside human to achieve great solutions to complex hybrid assembly task, especially in smart manufacturing context. Through humanrobot collaboration, the task can be split between robots and humans based on their capabilities. Collaborative robots have integrated safety features that allow them to detect collision. However, the amount of work that is done regarding the safety of end effector is limited, where it is the most likely point of collision during the process. The purpose of this project is to develop a solution which allows the power-assisted device to be used in a human-robot collaborative environment. Research on possible injuries, existing designs and industrial safety standards were studied, which would lead to a new conceptual design. The proposed solution consists of a collision detection system which is used to sense if the human operator or objects obstructing the machine path will cause damage to the device and injuries to the human operator. The solution would be compact, light, and low in cost. A prototype with similar concepts is constructed for proof of concept. The objectives have concluded critical reviews; however, the final design needs to be refined with further testing and evaluations.