Summary: | In navigation systems, the absence of GPS data poses an interesting challenge when it comes to managing drift. Systems such as ORB-SLAM manages this by performing Bundle Adjustment on loop closures, as such relatively accurate point-cloud maps may be generated from simple visual input only. In combination with semantic segmentation, semantically labelled point clouds are possible. A further visual enhancement may be made by comparing with a ground truth floorplan; not everything may be labelled in the floorplan and detections derived from the semantic cloud may be used for floorplan enhancement. Together, semantic slam and a ground truth floorplan may deliver a more visually appealing and accurate navigation visualisation.
This project thus forms part of a system used to display a user’s position on a floorplan, as well as populate additional detections onto the floorplan using semantic SLAM by focusing on the frame matching problem between the machine generated semantically labelled octomap frame, and the floorplan frame.