Summary: | 近年来,多模态话语分析成为了影视翻译研究的新方向。虽然多模态话语分析确立了多模态关系之间的重要性,但在目前的研究中,很少有人将多模态关系与翻译策略结合做分析,以多模态视角来分析综艺节目字幕翻译的研究也仍有不足。
In recent years, multimodal discourse analysis has become a new approach in audiovisual translation studies. Although multimodal discourse analysis has established the importance of multimodal relations, studies combining multimodal relations with translation strategies are scarce. The research on subtitle translation of variety shows is also lacking.
Therefore, this paper aims to identify specific multimodal relations present in the Chinese variety show Youth Periplous 3 using Zhang Delu’s Synthetic Theoretical Framework for Multimodal Discourse Analysis, then analyses the subtitle translation strategies used in translating culture-loaded words according to Aixelá's model of translating culture-specific items, in hopes to discover patterns and implications.
The research reveals that multimodal relations in the variety show includes complementary reinforcement relationship (highlighting, primary and secondary, extension), complementary non-reinforcement relationship (intersection, coordination), and non-complementary relationship (overlap, inclusion and contextual interaction). In the complementary relationship, modes other than words play an auxiliary role in expressing meaning of the culture-loaded word. Hence, the use of cultural conservation translation strategies can achieve the goal of cultural transmission. Meanwhile, translating culture-loaded words in non-complementary relationship with cultural substitution translation strategies brings across message in a way that audience of different cultures can understand.
This study breaks through the limitations of traditional subtitle translation research, and includes modes other than images and words, such as actions and music. It states the different multimodal relations in the variety show, explores the effect of multimodal relations on subtitle translation strategies, with the intention to provide guidance for future translators of variety shows and improve the quality of subtitle translation.