Summary: | In this dissertation, a theory that links management absurdity to O'Dell & Grayson's (1998) four enablers of knowledge transfers processes was developed. St Exupery's (1943) framework of absurdity was used to understand the concept of absurdity more holistically, and to provide a structure to the research.
Grounded theory methodology was used to analyze ten books on prominent business leaders from four different industries, namely industrial, IT, finance and retail and two to three leaders were selected for each industry. The absurdities and their implications were coded and analyzed.
It was found that the effect of leadership absurdities' on culture was most prevalent. Its effect on the other three enablers, namely, infrastruture, technology and management were less pronounced. As culture is the main factor contributing to the success of knowledge management, management of absurdities has to be properly addressed if knowledge management is to be successfully implemented. Absurdities can have a positive effect if managed wisely.