Summary: | This research paper attempts to analyse the different aspects of the franchise
restaurant industry in Singapore. An overview of the origins and history of franchising, and
the various factors that led to its growth and development globally are presented. There are
different types of franchise restaurants in Singapore. For this research, the main emphasis
will be given to fast-food restaurants, family restaurants and kiosks.
An insight is also provided as to how restaurants that originated from the Western
culture managed to invade into a market like Singapore which has a potpourri of Asian
culture. We have also used the International Franchise Association's classification of
restaurant segments based on menu theme to analyse which of the menu items has the
greatest potential for prospective franchisees to venture into locally.
A list of preferable personal characteristics that a potential franchisee would possess
is given. The legal considerations that should be taken into account before taking up a
franchise, is compiled.
An attempt is also made to reconcile the advantages and disadvantages experienced
by international franchisees with those experienced by the local franchisees, so as to give
potential franchisees an idea as to what to expect from setting up a franchise restaurant in
Four local examples of franchise restaurants are used to support our analysis. The
key success factors and the problems faced by franchise restaurants in Singapore are studied
to enhance our recommendations to prospective franchisees. In addition, Porter's 5 forces model is also applied to develop a better understanding of the competitiveness of the
franchise restaurant industry in Singapore.
From our analysis of the interviews and questionnaires, and our own observations of .
the local franchise restaurant industry, we would like to recommend family restaurants and
kiosks as viable avenues to venture in.