Summary: | Grand Pasundan Convention Hotel as a business engaged in the service, using a
suitable approach to achieve customer satisfaction is the Relationship Marketing in
order to achieve the loyalty of customers. Method of marketing services to the
customer by the hotel Grand Pasundan Hotel Bandung Convention, namely to do
with the sales communication, setting pricing strategies, relationship marketing, and
with good service.
The purpose of this study is to get a picture of the implementation Relationship
Marketing is done Grand Pasundan Convention Hotel Bandung. Of these objectives,
the researchers examined several aspects of planning, implementation, evaluation to
Relationship Marketing at the hotel.
In this study, researchers used a case study. Researchers choose the type of case study
research because they want to get the depth of relationship marketing studies are
carried on at the Grand Pasundan Convention Hotel Bandung to prove the
corresponding phenomena that exist between theory riel in field conditions.
The results showed implication of application of the concept of relationship
marketing at the Grand Pasundan is essentially a commitment of hotel management,
is a fundamental factor in the successful implementation of relationship marketing.
One of the application of relationship marketing is the view that the consumer is a
profit center. There are five stages in the process of floating relationship marketing at
the Grand Pasundan Hotel with the customer awareness, exploration, expansion,
commitment and dissolutio.