Summary: | The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of demographic (gender, income, and education) and risks perception (functional, financial, and psychological) variabels on consumers� willingness to pay more for recycle product. Recycle product is a product that has been reprocessed which some or the whole part of it made from used material or even garbage or waste. Consumer mostly thought that recycle product is associated with used material or even garbage. Therefore, consumers may perceive buying recycle product have several risks, such as functional risk, financial risk, and psychological risk. This research also analyzes consumers� ecoliteracy to give an overview of consumer ecological level of knowledge, especially knowledge of recycle.
Research was conducted within 182 respondent who is in productive age, live in DKI Jakarta, and already have buying experience of recycle product. The respondents� selection method in this research was using purposive sampling method and data analysis method was conducted using multiple regressions.
Research result shown that gender, education, perceive financial risk, and perceive
psychological risk variables are significantly affecting consumers� willingness to pay more for recycle product. The other two variables are not significantly affecting consumers� willingness to pay more for recycle product.