Summary: | Change is inevitable. It is a constant and an integral part of life, as it is for
any organizations or companies. Business nowadays demands a quick
response and a flexible organizational characteristic in order to survive in
the midst of harsh competition. Being able to adapt is a must, hence the
need of readiness to change. This study aimed to figure out the relationship
between leadership style and organizational culture toward readiness for
change using Multiple Regression analysis. A number of instruments
including Employee Readiness to Change Scale, Transformational
Leadership Scale, and Organizational Culture Scale were administered to
individuals working in company X. Statistical analysis resulted R=0.686
R²=0.470. This indicated that both transformational leadership and
organizational culture simultaneously predicted employee readiness for
change. Findings also suggested that idealized influence and individual
consideration played a bigger role than inspirational motivation and
intellectual stimulation. On the other hand espoused values had a bigger role
than two other organizational culture aspects, artifacts and basic underlying