Summary: | Tourism industry such as hotels and restaurants and other catering businesses,
these days are growing calls for a creation of a good atmosphere of the various
aspects to be given or offered as a product to prospective customers. Hotel Sahid
Raya Yogyakarta always strive to improve the quality to gain customer
satisfaction. One of the efforts is to improve the quality of care in the Food and
Beverage Department. The department has an important responsibility to provide
and maintain the quality of food and drinks at the hotel.
The purpose of this analysis was to determine the duties and responsibilities of
Food and Beverage Department in the Hotel Sahid Raya Yogyakarta, knowing the
efforts made to improve service to guests, knowing that in facing obstacles and
how to overcome them. Method of data collection was conducted observations
and interviews.
Results of this analysis indicate that the role of the Food and Beverage
Department plays an important role because it can generate profits because the
guests staying at the hotel do not just need a bed (room), but also requires food
and min Uman to be examined by the Food and Beverage Department. Good hotel
in general we can value of comfort, cleanliness, and quality of service of the hotel.
Good restaurants can be the value of the service or the service provided, the
quality of food and taste of the food. Personal hygiene can improve the quality of
service and quality of the hotel.