Özet: | Farming is one kind of interaction between native Dayak people and
forests. This interaction has been long established, since their ancestor occupied
the upstream of Katingan, Seruyan, and Senamang River. However, as the
development time comes followed by the arrival of PT. Sari Bumi Kusuma with
its forest management license holder within Dayak community area, farming
activities by native people have changed their meaning.
The research aims: 1) to obtain information about the cultivation
ethnoecology of Dayak community living in the concession area of PT. Sari Bumi
Kusuma, 2) to project land needs, 3) to assess the potential of biomass, carbon,
and CO² absorption yield from rubber planting and the lost of biomass, carbon,
and CO² sequestration due to farming activities.
The method used in the research is ethnographic methods by James
Spreadley. The research was conducted in three villages, namely, Tanjung Paku,
Tumbang Karuei, and Kiham Batang. Participatory observa tion means that
researcher lives in natural setting and participates in activities undertaken by local
community. Primary data collection was conducted by open interview and in
depth interview. Key informants were selected by reference, and further
informants were selected through snowball method. The collected data was
analyzed by qualitative analysis. Cultivation projection was built using Idrisi
Taiga software. Projection method is conducted in line with the Markov law.
Carbon accounting was measured with allometric equations. Secondary data and
cultivation projection map in 2019 were used as inputs to measure carbon.
The result showed that: 1) The process of Dayak farming consists of
seven activities (7M), which are: determining the location, slashing, cutting,
burning, planting, maintening, and harvesting, 2) Local Wisdom is used in
managing the fields such as rules and customary rites to determine fields� location
and drain the land, and the use of nature�s sign as an indicator of pests and
diseases, bawas system, and land tenure, as well as the absence of chemical
fertilizers and pesticides, 3) Factors that influence cultivation activities such as
nature, population growth, limited business opportunity, interaction with
outsiders, and technology development, 4) Total area of projected field in 2019
are 18.099 ha, 5) Carbon sequestration potential of rubber planting by
communities is 60.726 tons, while the carbon loss from cultivation activities is
estimated at 291.897 tons.