Summary: | Quality control of platelet concentrate product is
conducted to determnine the profile of Platelet Storage
Lesion (PSL) during storage. One of the parameters of PSL is
glucose level and pH value. Glucose and lactate were
directly involved in the platelet metabolism in generating
energy, while the pH is a result of changes in lactate
levels. Declining level of glucose and pH values can
significantly affect the quality of platelet concentrate.
The purpose of this study was to determine the
correlation between blood glucose level and pH value during
storage day 0, day 1, day 3 dan day 6 between the groups with
range of processing time 0 hour, 6 hours and 16 hours in
platelet concentrate.
This was an observational study using cross-sectional
design of the study that conducted in the RSUP Dr. Sardjito
against 15 sample bags of platelet concemtrate. Samples
were stored for 0, 1, 3 and 6 days. The samples were divided
into three groups (0 hour, 6 hours and 16 hours processed)
were measured with a Beckman Analyzer method GOD-PAP to
measure glucose level and Blood Gas Analyzer to measure pH
value. By using Pearson Correlation test, r value for the
correlation between glucose level and pH value in platelet
concentrate seen from the difference in processing time,
for the 0 hour processing time the r is 0,737