Summary: | This study examined the role of Islamic Work Ethics as the moderating variable in
the relationship between job demands and job resources to work engagement.
Three aspects of the job demands (workload, emotional demand, work-home
conflict) and three aspects of job resources (autonomy, self development
opportunity, social support) were applied to the model. Data were collected from
165 academic staff from an Islam University in Yogyakarta. The Structural
Equation Modelling (SEM) with two step approach is used to analyze the data.
The result of the study showed that at the Job Demands-Resources Model, Islamic
Work Ethic has moderating effect only in the relationship between job demands to
work engagement. The hypothesis that Islamic Work Ethic will have moderating
effect in the relationship between job resources to work engagement was rejected.
Implications of this study are discussed, together with limitations and suggestions
for further research.