Summary: | The aim of this study is to describe the relationship between the concept of
Product Lifecycle and decision making marketing strategy. To reach business
objectives and meet the needs of consumers, company required appropriate
marketing strategy . Marketing strategy decisions are translated in the
implementation of the marketing strategy marketing mix consists of product,
price, promotion, and distribution. Business strategy and marketing company
requires a different approach in line with changes in the competitive environment
of the market and the passage of time.
The method used in this study is qualitative research method, where data
obtained from interviews, study documents of company financial statements in
2007 � 2011, and observations of some business activities. Results were obtained
by analysis of sales figures, characteristic of consumers, competitors, cost and
profit of Majalah Properti Indonesia. These five characteristic are used as an
indicator of the product phase in Product Life Cycle. The analysis showed that
Majalah Properti Indonesia is on the decline phase. Therefore marketing strategy
used by company are no longer effective and require related adjustments of their
life cycle in order to be able to achieve business objectives.