Summary: | Service performance can be measured by the level of services received in the form
of student satisfaction on the perceived service. This study was conducted to
analyze the students' perceptions of the service performance of teachers, staff,
curriculum, facilities and infrastructure impacts of the implementation of ISO
9001:2008 SMK Panca Bhakti Banjarnegara. The data was collected using a
questionnaire instrument, and vocational students Panca Bhakti Banjarnegara
respondents. Data were analyzed using the method of performance analysis
interests. Results indicate that the performance of the services offered by the
teacher obtained a score of 68.46%, employee service performance earned a
score of 72.39%, obtained curricula service performance score of 71.61% and the
performance of infrastructure obtained a score of 61.38%. After consultation with
table service criteria (Table 3.11) the value of the service performance of
teachers, staff, curriculum and infrastructure included in both categories.