Summary: | The purpose of the study is to examine the effect of perceived procedural
justice on organizational citizenship behavior mediated by perceived
organizational support of high school teachers. The four hypotheses proposed are:
(1) perceived procedural justice directly influences organizational citizenship
behavior, (2) perceived procedural justice affects perceived organizational
support, (3) perceived organizational support affects organizational citizenship
behavior, (4 ) perceived procedural justice affects organizational citizenship
behavior mediated by perceived organizational support. The subject of this study
was teachers of SMAN 1 Slogohimo, Wonogiri.
The method of data collection is survey using. The analytical tool used is
hyrarchical regression analysis which is adopted from Baron and Kenny (1986).
The results showed that there is a significant influence of the perceived
procedural justice on organizational citizenship behavior directly as well as
mediated by perceived organizational support. The mediation relationship was
partial mediation which was marked by the decrease in the regression coefficient
of a direct relationship.