Summary: | The purpose of the study is to analize the internal services accordance the Satker
perceptions and the expectations of Directorate General of Railways the services
quality. The Perceptions of internal service quality defined as the understanding of
Satker to the services, while the Satker expectations provided from past experience,
the implicit promise, the exclusive promise, and information by word of mouth among
The results of the research survey showed that the Satker perceptions and the
expectations was good. The result of the hipotesis test, there were any differences
between the Satker perceptions and the expectations of the services quality in
Directorate General of Railways. The differences generate the gap of perceptions and
the expectations. The Physical�s dimension of the services quality gap was positive
which means that the quality of services performed beyond expectations. Meanwhile,
the other four dimensions those are Reliabilities dimension, Responsiveness�
dimension, Assurance�s dimension and Empathy�s dimension were negatif, which
means that the qualities of the services were not satisfy the Satker perceptions and
expectations. The services quality is needed to improve.