Summary: | SERVQUAL model developed by Parasuraman, Zeitaml & Berry (1985)
has been widely used to measure external customer satisfaction, but the models to
measure internal customer satisfaction in the field of education in Indonesia is
still rarely done, so in this study the internal customer satisfaction measurement
will be done using ISQ models (Internal Service Quality) in the field of
educational services.
This study aims to assess the internal customer perceptions of a high
school internal quality services with ISQ models in the district Rongkop and
Karangmojo, this study also aims to identify differences in perceptions of internal
customers in the education services with ISQ dimensions (reliability,
responsivenes, assurance, empathy and tangible,) based on personal
characteristics (highschool status, profession, job tenure, and gender) as schools
demographics in the District Rongkop and Karangmojo. This type of research is
descriptive quantitative research methods, data collection using 22 ISQ item
questionnaire, survey instruments were adopted based on SERVQUAL dimensions
(reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangible).
The results showed that perceptions of internal customers in SMA 1
Rongkop, SMA Muhammadiyah Rongkop, SMA 1 Karangmojo and SMA
Pembangunan Karangmojo achieve the lowest mean score on the dimensions of
reliability (4.01), whereas the highest scores on the dimensions of assurance
(4,19). There is no statistically significant difference in the perception of
reliability dimension with all personal characteristics. There is a statistically
significant difference in the perception of responsive dimension with the work
period personal characteristics. The internal customer perception of assurance
dimension have a significantly differences with high school status personal
characteristics. There is statistically significant differences in the perceptions of
empathy dimensions on personal characteristics job tenure while the other
personal characteristics doesn�t make any difference. In the tangible dimension,
there is statistically different perceptions of internal customers on personal
characteristics of respondents profession, but there was no difference for the
other personal characteristics in this dimension.