Summary: | Competition in motorcycle industry in Indonesia demanded that
business people in the industry are constantly able to provide products that fit
consumer needs. There are several aspects of consumer considerations in
choosing a motorcycle to be used as terms of price, reliability engine, the
model promoted by the product , and the added value that can be obtained .
With the advances in information technology are increasing rapidly
and is accompanied by an increase in the growth of the middle class in
Indonesia, making indoensia motorcycle market in general and specifically in
Makassar be very interesting. PT. XYZ as the main dealer Suzuki brand
motorcycles perform various business strategies with the aim to improve the
competitiveness of enterprises and consumer appeal by providing motorcycle
products with attractive models, the engine is reliable and at a reasonable
This thesis research aims to find out what are the strategies that have
been and are being carried out by the company. The object of research is PT.
XYZ and the respondents are managers in the company .