Summary: | The experiment was conducted to study the effect of Bacillus
subtilis probiotics addition as feed additive on carcass production of male
broilers chicken. 160 day-old chick male broilers of New Lohmann (MB-
202) strain were divided into 4 treatments and each treatment consisted of
4 replications. Each replication consisted of 10 chickens. Feed and drink
was given in ad libitum. Chickens raised in 42 days. Feed treatments on
this experiment were R1= basal ration (control), R2= R1 + 250 g
commercial probiotics A/ton basal ration, R3= R1 + 500 g/ton commercial
probiotics B/ton basal ration, R4= R1 + 500 g commercial probiotics C/ton
basal ration. Data observed were body weight, carcass weight, carcass
percentage, meat weight, bone weight, and meat bone ratio. Data were
analyzed by one-way completely random design variance analysis, if there
was a significant differences then extended with orthogonal contrast test.
The results showed that various Bacillus subtilis probiotics did not
significant affect to the body weight, carcass weight, carcass percentage,
meat weight, bone weight, and meat bone ratio of male broiler chickens
but decreased male broiler chickens feed intake significantly. The research
results was concluded that addition of Bacillus subtilis probiotics to the
level 500 g /ton are able to maintained carcass and meat production of
male broiler chickens with lower feed intake.
Kata kunci : Bacillus subtilis, Carcass, Broiler chicken