Summary: | Research and writing of this graduating paper discuss about Taman Kuliner using
two theories. The theories are SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats) and Marketing Mix 5 Ps (product, price, promotion, place, and people). Besides,
the research discusses about the changing function of Taman Kuliner since its
deterioration. The purpose of the changing function is to develop the function of Taman
Kuliner itself.
The data to finish this graduating paper had been collected since September 2013
to January 2014. The research methods is doing direct observation and interviewing the
management of Taman Kuliner, some of the kiosk owners, and some of visitors. The
direct observation has been done to write the profile of Taman Kuliner, while the
interview has been done to gain information as much as possible to write down the
overall discussion in this graduating paper. I got the literature reviews from books,
journals, and some articles from the internet.
The conclusion of this research is that Taman Kuliner has a very good facility
which can be improved. The research using SWOT analysis and marketing mix explains
that the biggest difficulty of developing Taman Kuliner comes from the fact that the
management of Taman Kuliner come from government sector. The orientation of
government sector is public service while Taman Kuliner is built for profit purpose. The
changing function has been done as the solution to develop and preserve Taman Kuliner.
Some solutions can be applied in Taman Kuliner such as, adding some billboards around
busy places, fixing broken and dirty facilities and changing the place into U shape.