Summary: | This thesis entitled �Japan�s Efforts in Resolving The Declining Birthrate
(Shoushika Phenomenon)�. This thesis explains demographic problem called
shoushika that is occurring in Japan nowadays. Shoushika means declining
number of birth which was started in 1975 and now is becoming a very serious
problem. As a developed country with its advanced technology, it is not
impossible that Japan may slowing down while the next generation is not yet exist
because of the number of birth that is continuously declining.
The purpose of this research is to find out how Japan facing this
continuous declining birthrate. This thesis explains the efforts which Japan does to
solve the problem. During the data collection, this thesis uses literature study and
interviewed some informants for the methods. This thesis also uses descriptive
method to analyze and explain the collected data.
In conclusion, this thesis found out that Japanese has undergone some
programs in order to solve the problem. The methods of which are matchmaking,
banning abortion, supporting birth out of marriage, adopting and applying baby
hatches system, making a pregnancy handbook, and launching an Ikumen Project.
Besides, Japanese companies also contribute to support the government by
facilitating employees to take a children day care, allowing employees to come
late and go home early, also giving a nursery room for those who need.
Keyword: population problem, shoushika, baby hatches, ikumen project