Summary: | The rapid development of hospital industry cause business competition in term
of hospital service become very hostile. Therefore, nurses are demanded to
perform organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), because of OCB support
organization effectiveness. Several researches found that emotional
intelligence, job satisfaction and transformational leadership have predicted
OCB. In this study, research objective was to examine that emotional
intelligence, job satisfaction and transformational leadership have predicted to
nurses� organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Hypothesis that researcher
proposed in this study was emotional intelligence, job satisfaction and
transformational leadership altogether were predictors of nurses� OCB. This
study was a field research that implemented a quantative methodology by
means of questionnaire as data collecting tools. Questionnaire that researcher
implemented was one of OCB, emotional intelligence, job satisfaction and
transformational leadership. Hypothesis testing was performed by implementing
a multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the data analysis toward 146
respondents stated that variables of emotional intelligence, job satisfaction and
transformational leadership altogether predicted the nurses� OCB (F = 16,062,
p< 0,05) with a contribution for about 24,4%.
Key words: Organizational citizenship behavior, emotional intelligence, job
satisfaction, transformational leadership